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February 14, 2024 2 min read

Our Wisefoods journey started with the idea of creating a healthier cookie.

Of course, it was a given that we wanted to create something delicious. But we also wanted to create a cookie that’s more nutritious. So where to start?

One of the tools we’ve used to guide our recipes has been the Health Star Rating System. That lead us to work hard to reduce things like sugar and saturated fat, while also making the most of healthier ingredients which contribute to protein, dietary fibre and – of course – great flavour.

What are Health Star Ratings?

Health Star Ratings (HSR) have been developed to help consumers make informed decisions on nutrition information when purchasing packaged foods. The rating helps you to compare foods in the same category and make healthier choices.

Where did the Health Star Rating System come from?

The HSR system is an initiative led by the New Zealand and Australian governments, developed in collaboration with industry, public health and consumer groups. It is a voluntary front-of-pack labelling system for packaged foods, first introduced in 2014.

How does the Health Star Rating System work?

Health Star Ratings rate the healthiness of packaged food from 0.5 stars to 5 stars. Foods lower in saturated fat, sugar or sodium, and/or higher in fibre, protein, nut, legume, fruit or vegetable content have higher star ratings. The more stars, the healthier the choice within that food category.

How can you use it?

The Health Star rating is a tool that you can use to help choose healthier packaged foods. You can use the number of stars to compare similar types of foods, for example breakfast cereals with other breakfast cereals, or cookies with other cookies. Of course, the HSR is just one tool available to you. The Nutrition Information Panel on packaged foods is also a good source of information and basis for comparison between foods.

Where can you find more information?

The Ministry for Primary Industries administers the Health Star Rating system in New Zealand. https://www.mpi.govt.nz/food-safety-home/how-health-star-ratings-work/


What Health Star Ratings do Wise Cookies have?

We’ve worked hard to create our delicious cookie recipes so that cookie lovers everywhere have a healthier choice for their favourite indulgence. 

All our Wise cookies rate right up there, at 4.0 or 4.5 Health Stars.


But wait ... there's more!

We've taken the challenge of a healthy cookie even further because we wanted to make them accessible to people with varying dietary preferences. All our cookies are gluten, dairy, egg, soy and nut free, with less sugar and more protein and fibre. Even collagen. And we've added Vegan options too.